Prayer and Praise
Chanukah is coming
Chanukah is coming don’t be left out. Visit our Festival section to read what it’s all about. Stories, insights, songs and more; Tehilim hotline has lots in store. Sufganiot, Latkes, dreidels and eating cheese; Click to find a discussion about any of these. Family get-togethers and Chanukah gelt bring out…
Food for thought
An essential element of Chanukah is Hoda’ah, and it accordingly becomes a highly propitious time for us to bli neder undertake some improvement in Brachos. In Chassidic circles, the Pasuk Hodu LaHashem Ki Tov Ki LeOlam Chasdo is explained as follows: If you may it a practice of giving thanks…
HaRav Yitzchok Isbee, Z’TL, notes that in the Al HaNisim tefillah on Chanukah we refer to Matisyahu as “Matisyahu ben Yochanan”, although we refer to Mordechai and Esther in the Al HaNisim of Purim without referring to either of their fathers’ names. To understand why, HaRav Isbee explains (based upon…